
Geography Department

At Ash Manor School our new Geography curriculum encompasses a range of topics to develop awareness of the world around us and the characteristics which make places across the world unique. We encourage students to question the world around them and experience the Geography that surrounds us all. We work to develop global citizens that have an awareness of world events and the impact that they have on our ever changing world. 
Throughout the geography course we develop a wide range of geographical skills in our learners including problem solving, mapping, numeracy and literacy to ensure that students become resilient and independent learners. 
We teach a range of topics throughout years 7-9 to engage and enthuse students and develop a love of learning about geography. We make our lessons fun, engaging, practical and wherever possible, get outside to experience and take part in fieldwork projects.

Key Stage 3 Curriculum information:

Year 7 Topics:

  • Geography of the UK
What is the human and physical geography of the UK like?
  • Geographical Skills
How can Geography help me understand the world?
  • Africa
What is Africa like and how it is changing? 
  • Rivers
How do rivers shape our landscapes?
  • Weather and Climate Investigation
Where is the most suitable microclimate for a bench at Ash Manor School?

Year 8 Topics:

  • Tectonic Hazards
What are tectonic processes and how do they impact humans and environments?
  • India
What are India’s opportunities and challenges for the future?
  • Coasts
How are the UKs coastlines changing?
  • Borders
What are borders and how do they impact people and the environment? 
  • Amazing Worlds
Where are some of the world’s amazing places and how are they changing?
Year 9 Topics:

  • Ecosystems
What are the world’s main biomes and how do humans interact with them?
  • Urban Issues and Challenges
How are urban areas around the world changing? What are the challenges and opportunities in urban areas around the world? How can we make cities more sustainable?
  • Challenge of Resource Management and Issue Evaluation
How are resources distributed around the world? How is supply and demand of energy changing? How can we make energy use more sustainable?

Key Stage 4 Curriculum information
At Ash Manor School we follow the AQA GCSE Geography Specification. This exciting course is based on a balanced framework of physical and human geography. It allows students to investigate the link between the two themes, and approach and examine the battles between the man-made and natural worlds. Students who complete the course will have the skills and experience to progress onto A-level and beyond.

Course Breakdown:

Paper 1: Living with the physical environment
  • Section A: The Challenge of Natural Hazards
  • Section B: The Living World
  • Section C: Physical Landscapes of the UK (Coasts & Rivers)

Paper 2: Challenges in the human environment
  • Section A: Urban Issues and Challenges
  • Section B: The Changing Economic World
  • Section C: The Challenge of Resource Management

Paper 3: Geographical Applications and Skills
  • Section A: Issue Evaluation
  • Section B: Fieldwork

Essential trips and visits:
It is an exam board requirement that all GCSE Geography students under take two fieldwork investigations in contrasting environments.
At Ash Manor we use this opportunity to undertake a residential fieldwork trip to Nettlecombe Court in Somerset. During the trip students discover how successful regeneration has been in Taunton and how coastal processes are affecting the geomorphology of Porlock Bay.

This trip equips our learners with key geographical skills but also with an experience away from the classroom that develops their personal and social skills.

Careers in Geography
Geography degrees are among the most attractive and desirable for employers. Geographers therefore progress into a wide range of careers including:
  • Geologists
  • Geochemists
  • Town Planners
  • Surveyors
  • Management Consultants
  • Volcanologists
  • Education
  • Tourism Management
  • Public Policy
  • Cartography